Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Only You can give me peace..

The feeling of uneasiness fills my spine this morning.. the whole family will be going off back Home after 3 weeks.. It is just so hard to say goodbye once more. just the thought of it hurts so deeply, i don't think i can pull my tears back for long..

Papa, being always so protective and supportive in all i do.. you've been working so hard, making risky decisions, stressing yourself, just to make sure that we never have to worry about what and how we spend.. urging me to stay on here even though i can see that he would love to see me back home as soon as it permits. sacrifices are to be made, for my future..

Mummy, always there to provide me with everything i need, pampering me with so much love that i constantly overlook and take for granted.

Lip Ee, never seems to be anything that can bother him more than half a day. always carefree, and striving for a challenge. study hard and focus, pull your confidence back up after these falls.

Lip Hyean, the 'baby' of the family, not so small anymore.. so sorry that i have been harsh to you frequently, and i know i shouldn't anymore. you have your own ways of doing things, and i must accept and support you, instead of trying to change you to how i see best fits. i have always been proud of you, keep it up, not let the words of others discourage you. be confident!

I love you all so much, just don't know how to express myself.. looking sooo bitter most of the time, i will change.. to be cheerful child of God, full of joy!

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